Travel Green: 7 Ecological Tips for Travelling

[Translate to English:] Mercedes EQA

Here are 7 tips for you:

1. Use a Reusable Water Container

Opt for reusing the water container we provide instead of buying disposable bottles. It's a more eco-friendly and sustainable choice.


2. Choose Cloth Bags Instead of Plastic Bags

When you're on vacation, bring cloth bags from home. Cloth bags are durable, reusable many times, and washable.


3. Buy Natural Cosmetics Without Microplastics

Microplastics are harmful to both the environment and health. Many cosmetics contain these tiny particles. Look for products labeled "microplastic-free," including sunscreens and other cosmetics.


4. Use Biodegradable Detergent

You can help the environment even while washing dishes by using biodegradable detergents. Look for products with an eco-friendly seal in supermarkets and check the ingredients before buying. It may not make dishwashing more fun, but you'll be actively contributing to environmental sustainability.


5. Take Your Trash with You

If you’re in nature, always leave the place as clean as you found it. Separate your waste and minimize its production by purchasing products with less packaging. Dispose of waste in designated containers.


6. Shop Without Plastic

Plastic is harmful to the environment. Try to buy products that are not packaged in plastic, such as unpackaged fruits and vegetables. Choose alternatives like reusable glass containers and always carry a water bottle with you. Many stores now offer bulk products, so don't forget your cloth bag!


7. Drive Electric Vehicles

Driving an electric car at a steady pace and avoiding rapid accelerations can reduce CO2 emissions. To learn more and book our electric fleet, visit our website at or email