Milan, like Saint Remy, embraces the night and light

Van Gogh in Milan with a completely new multisensory exhibition

Brushstrokes undulating like waves of the sea, swollen and nocturnal colors contrasting with the gold of wheat and sunflowers, the shimmering of stars and the moon. Van Gogh is one of the most controversial minds in the art world: his melancholy and tormented soul translated into existential discomfort on canvas, yet leaving room for all those redemptive images where he found serenity. Elementary but complex concepts, not fully deducible from a two-dimensional and horizontal observation of the works, and that is why in Milan, Van Gogh becomes a sensory experience with "Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience."

The much-awaited exhibition skillfully merges the digital with the real world through the masterful use of video mapping: suitable for people of all ages, from art enthusiasts to the little ones, it will be open until December 2023, representing a perfect example of "edutainment," a mix of entertainment and learning through multimedia content.

Eyes observe, the mind nourishes, and the imagination takes flight. The transition from the act of observing to that of imagining is instantaneous and inevitable. The entire journey is designed to engage the visitor in a journey through the iconic works of Vincent Van Gogh. Structured in rooms that alternate traditional exhibitions with interactive spaces, you will walk surrounded by almond petals floating and dancing Japanese prints that decorate walls and floors. Among the most suggestive moments, do not miss the room dedicated to Japonism and the one that tells the artist's entire life and vision through a mix of dynamic images, including sunflower petals and running trains.

Equally fascinating is the reproduction of the iconic work 'Vincent's Bedroom in Arles' and two final spaces—one allowing you to experience a typical day of Van Gogh through augmented reality, to be explored individually wearing a mask and headphones, and the other being an area dedicated to drawing for children (and not only), who can see their creations projected on the wall of the space.

Duration of the Van Gogh Immersive Experience: To visit the entire exhibition, including brushstrokes, drawings, and moving paintings, you should plan for about 40 minutes.

The exhibition has already toured the world, but it is the first time it arrives in Italy in this extraordinary format. In 2017, it was hosted in Naples but in a more compact version. After international success with over 5,000,000 visitors, Exhibition Hub, specialized in creating immersive multimedia exhibitions, and Fever Up, a leading platform in live entertainment, bring this wonder to Lampo Scalo Farini. Sixty projectors will bring to life 350 masterpieces by Van Gogh, visible in 360° on a surface of 2000 square meters, including floors, walls, and ceiling.

Come visit us in Milan to explore the city and its cultural and entertaining offerings with a superior driving experience! We look forward to welcoming you near Metro M3 Repubblica, at Via Giuseppe Parini 3.