From China, the robot that recharges electric cars

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Naas Technology in China has introduced a robot capable of autonomously recharging parked EVs.
How does the robot work? The robot is small and compact, allowing it to move easily in tight spaces, and reportedly has a waterproof and electroshock-resistant 'armor.' Additionally, it is equipped with 5G connectivity, enabling it to communicate with infrastructure and other nearby vehicles.

The software installed in the robot enables it to self-locate in an enclosed space and reach a specific destination, often a vehicle in need of charging in its particular case. Through a specific app, car owners would be able to book the robot's recharging service and make remote payments. Once the order is placed, the robot identifies the vehicle, connects to the charging port, and completes the 'refueling.'

The robot is currently in the experimental phase, and mass production is not planned at the moment. However, NaaS envisions directing the use of the robot, especially in places like airports and shopping centers, where owners could book the recharging service a few hours in advance using the app and take advantage of the service while engaged in other activities.

On-demand charging services have gained popularity, particularly in Italy, where startups like Reefilla and proposals for on-demand charging by Enel X Way and E-Gap in holiday locations have garnered widespread interest. Will it be possible to regularly recharge cars on demand in the future?