Edilfar Rent at SFS23, all useful information for you

Edilfar Rent will once again be the mobility partner for the Social Football Summit, the event dedicated to the football industry in its sixth edition.

For this occasion, we have "mobilized" to give you some early Christmas gifts.

The first is to offer you the exclusive opportunity to try out the smart #1, the electric minisuv that many have been waiting for. How? Send an email to prenotazioni@edilfarrent.it

Accompanied by one of our experts who will provide you with all the information about the vehicle and many interesting facts, you can enjoy a new driving experience focused on energy savings and sustainability. In addition to this, thanks to your reservation, you will receive a complimentary Delegate Pass to participate in the activities of the Social Football Summit.

Truly an opportunity not to be missed.

Is that all? Absolutely not!

From November 20 to 30, we have activated a "3-day Promo" specifically designed for Summit participants.

Mercedes, Toyota, and smart at a truly unique price.

  1. 90 euros for smart
  2. 120 euros for Toyota
  3. 150 euros for Mercedes

How to take advantage of this offer?

Write to: prenotazioni@edilfarrent.it using the promo code #SFS23 and choose the car that best suits your needs.

We look forward to seeing you at the Social Football Summit 2023.